Considering that most households in the United States have at least one pet, it’s pretty clear that many of us see the value in having a furry best friend by our side. But in some cases, our canines might not be as obedient and as affectionate as we’d hope. Research shows that dog bite cases…
Everything You Need To Know About Diesel Engine Maintenance
Recreational boating is an exceptionally popular industry in the United States; valued at more than $121.5 billion, the business can be designed to suit even the most particular of clients. Considering the fact that diesel engines are the most efficient in terms of internal combustion, it makes sense that a majority of leisure vessels are diesel-based. Unfortunately, such engines…
Hyundai Debuts Sonata Hybrid Complete With Solar Roof
Although automobile and truck engines are currently the world’s biggest consumer of lubricants, requiring 20 million tons per year, actions are being taken by consumers, lawmakers, and even car companies to reduce harmful emissions stemming from our transportation methods. Hyundai is the latest organization to make waves with a more eco-friendly option for motorists —…
What To Expect From SEO in 2019
Having a digital presence for any business is a must in 2019. Staying in-tune with the ever evolving digital marketing world is a must for marketers. Google makes this challenge for small businesses with the number of changes they make to their algorithm each year and it only increases the importance of digital marketing. In…
Teenager With Down Syndrome Becomes Honorary Flight Attendant
A recent survey showed that 71% of participants love celebrating their birthday, at any age. American Airlines has welcomed an honorary flight attendant into its ranks, fulfilling one of the many dreams of a teenage girl from South Carolina. Shantell “Shannie” Pooser was born with Down syndrome, but doctors never expected her to see her 17th…
Why Is Driving A Big Rig More Dangerous Than Driving A Car?
Truck drivers perform an important role for nations across the globe. In Canada, approximately 90% of all consumer products and foodstuffs are shipped via truck; in the U.S., the industry directly contributes about 5% to the gross domestic product (GDP) every year. Unfortunately, truckers also face dangers unique to their profession; from health problems that…
SEO Trends to Look For in 2019
Digital marketing is an industry that is always on the move. It’s essential for small businesses to be able to keep up with the shifts that are constantly evolving. One obstacle is trying to educate business owners on how competitive ranking on search engines can be. Jacob Lett of BootstrapCreative explains, “I work with a lot…
SEO in 2019: 3 Trends To Be Aware Of
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is constantly changing. The Google algorithm updates are designed to make searches easier and more accurate for users, but they have a direct impact on how SEO is performed by companies seeking to expand their customer base; only by keeping up with these changes can businesses ensure that their content…
Officer Charges Utah Woman For Letting Cat Sleep In Her Own Yard
As one woman found out this week, taking a cat nap can be a crime in Utah, even if you’re actually a cat and the place you’re snoozing is your owner’s front lawn. When Kate Anderson answered her door to animal control officers, she assumed the worst: that something awful had happened to the family’s…
Fallout From Opioid Epidemic Leads to Pharma Payouts and Bankruptcies
Since the late 1990s, the American opioid epidemic has truly taken hold. In 2017, nearly 68% of the 70,200 drug overdose deaths that took place involved the use of an opioid, with roughly 130 Americans dying each day as a result of opioid abuse. With the U.S. holding over 45% of the global pharmaceutical market,…