The construction sector has been and currently is one of the most important industries across the United States. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most dangerous professions. In fact, 15 out of every 100,000 construction workers die as a result of construction-related accidents. According to World Pipelines, a national search is now on to identify…
Category: Home Page
Homeowner Financial Assistance: 6 Tips to Keep Your Monthly Expenses Low
Owning a home is incredibly exciting. You actually own a piece of U.S. property that you are free to do what you wish with — within reason. There are so many advantages to owning a home, however, millions of Americans regularly struggle with their housing expenses. From staying on top of home utility bills and…
3 Wardrobe Staples Every Professional Woman Needs
When you’re taking the first steps in your career, lots of things can be confusing. If both you and your partner have new full-time jobs (like 46% of two-parent households), you’re already stressed. In these situations, little is explained to you. No one teaches you how to properly greet your superiors (Mrs. Johnson? But everyone…
Cremated Woman’s Obit References Her ‘Smoking Hot Body’ In Last Laugh At Death
It takes a special person to have a sense of humor in the face of mortality. Death, never a sweet thing, is the most universally unavoidable phenomenon in human existence. It conjures enough discomfort and internal unease that merely mentioning it in some company can feel taboo. For all the sweeping under the rug we…
Should You Warm Up Your Car In The Winter?
With some of the coldest temperatures of the year hitting parts of the country right now, taking care of your car is more important than ever. Many people start getting ready to hit the road by going out to start the car, so that way it’s warmed up when it’s time to leave. However, does this…
Planet Fitness Expanding After Cardio Express Acquisition
UPDATED 11/18/20 With both chain fitness centers as well as independent gyms on the rise, it has become clear that people are becoming more interested in getting healthy. Even though the cost of fitness equipment for the home is dropping and sales are going up, many people are finding the accountability of having a fitness…
Don’t These Weight Loss Myths Influence Your Health Goals
Americans tend to put a lot of stock in their appearance. Around 74% of adults believe that having an unattractive smile can hurt their professional aspirations, and our obsession with youth and beauty has spawned an industry that’s predicted to be worth $863 billion by 2024. And of course, the diet, fitness, and wellness industries…
Irritated UK Construction Worker Rage-Drives Backhoe Through Hotel Entrance
Not being compensated for your work is one of the worst feelings. It’s something that happens to people in industries across the world. Sometimes it can be a scam from dishonest employers and, other times, it’s a glitch in payroll software. Either way, it’s not the best thing to have happen because we’ve got bills…
Legacy Of Kindness: 87-Year-Old Man Dies, Leaves 14 Years Of Gifts For Neighbor’s Two-Year-Old
The stigma and underlying perceptions put upon people who are elderly are unfortunate. It’s difficult to see loved ones age to the point that we’re forced to consider the approaching reality that they’ll no longer be with us. So it goes. The world’s population of people beyond 60 years of age is increasing. It’s expected to double…
Florida Man Tries To Manipulate Target Stock Prices With Bombs, Gets 40-Year Prison Sentence
With outstanding consumer debt expected to reach a record high of $4 trillion by the end of 2018, we’re all trying to scrounge for ways to get more money in our pockets. Usually, we’d be all about encouraging people to take advantage of ways to make a few extra bucks, but we’re thinking something mild, like, driving…