The internet exploded with a cheer of collective approval when Netflix announced that it would begin providing its employees with unlimited parental leave for up to one year; shortly after Netflix made the announcement, Adobe Systems announced that it would provide new mothers with up to 26 weeks of maternity leave, and Microsoft said it…
Category: Home Page
New Mexico Private Schools in Battle to Save Public Funding of Textbooks
The debate over which is superior — private or public schooling — has gone on for almost as long as there has been formal education. Religious institutions have historically played a big role in establishing credible private options, especially in the United States. The benefits and negatives of both have been argued back and forth…
China Plans to Literally Police the Internet by Embedding Cops at Internet Companies
With about 4.49 billion web pages currently online, it’s fair to say that the Internet is a pretty big place, and China is taking steps to police it. Literally. The Verge reports that the Chinese government plans to embed police officers at some Internet companies in the hopes of enforcing its strict web censorship policies….
Air Conditioning Can Get You Through The Extreme Summer Heat… If It’s Working
The unbearable summer heat is here to stay, and it’s only going to get worse. “From Texas to Georgia, a number of areas have had streaks of triple digit temperatures in July and August,” CNN reports. “With little to no rain in more than a month, many Southern cities are desperate for relief.” In Dallas,…
This Oregon County Says No to Marijuana Businesses
Although the state of Oregon has fully legalized cannabis, one northeastern county isn’t allowing businesses to set up shop. The Umatilla County Board has voted unanimously 3-0 on Wednesday to keep marijuana shops out of the county, following voters’ wishes. This continues the moratorium on both medicinal marijuana dispensaries and all other cannabis businesses. That…
Fault Fire Extinguisher Leads to Eviction
Having a working fire extinguisher can be pretty important. After all, a study from the National Federation of Fire Equipment Distributors found that fire extinguishers successfully extinguished 12,505 fires of the 13,221 fire incidents reported — an incredible 95%. However, are they so important that they can lead to an eviction notice? Apparently, yes. Regina…
Could Your Daily Cup of Coffee Help Prevent Alzheimer’s?
Millions of Americans can now enjoy their morning cup of coffee for an even better reason: it might actually prevent memory loss and reduce one’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease, a new study has found. Researchers at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy studied 1,445 people between the ages of 65 and 84 years…
Strong El Nino Predictions Point to Big Winter Storms
According to National Geographic, the conditions are right for a very strong El Niño this year, which could result in extreme weather. The Pacific Ocean is warmer than it usually is at this time of year, indicating that El Niño is already intensifying and could be the strongest that scientists have on record. In addition…
Want To Go To Coding Bootcamp? Now You Can Pay for It With Student Loans
Is it time for American students to start learning a second language fluently? Quite a few people would say “yes” — not to learn French or German, but to learn the universal coding languages of website developers everywhere. Even President Obama has expressed his approval and excitement over “coding bootcamps,” as Wired reported, because they…
New Legislation Aims To Keep Minors From Vaping
The E-cig, or vaping, industry has grown drastically in the last decade, and the statistics are astonishing. In 2015, the vaping market reported a $2.5 billion in sales that didn’t exist ten years ago. An estimated four million Americans are now vaping, and a reported 6,000 new vaping shops opened in the last year alone….