Life is a precious thing, and we’re living a lot longer than we used to. Over the years, life expectancy in America alone has increased significantly. That being said, life expectancy is an average number, and it’s different for everyone. There are a lot of factors that go into your own personal life expectancy, and a lot of them are health-related.
Engaging in just 10 minutes of physical activity every day can help you improve mobility and live longer. Here are some things you can do to better your health so you can live a longer life.
Be more social
That’s right, being social is actually good for your health. In fact, you’re less likely to catch a cold, you can fight off depression better, you sleep better, you’re more productive, your brain stays in good shape, and you’ll live longer. Research from the Bringham Young University found that people with social relationships live 50% longer compared to people who are more socially isolated. So, get out there and have some fun. If you’re struggling with that, remember that there are 134,000 people employed by the event planning and party industry, so there’s bound to be a party you can attend; or you can throw one yourself!
Exercise more
It’s no secret that exercising on a regular basis is good for you; it can even add years onto your life. A study cited by Very Well Health showed that people who exercise vigorously for three hours a week (30 minutes a day) had DNA and cells that were nine years younger than people who didn’t exercise. Find something you like to do that helps you keep up with your exercise goals. Take your dog for a walk, pick up swimming, or maybe start playing tennis. Playing tennis for fun can burn 169 calories in 30 minutes for a woman, and 208 calories in 30 minutes for an average man. So it can help you lose weight too.
Avoid known carcinogens
Again, most people know what you shouldn’t smoke and to avoid other carcinogens throughout their lives if they want to stay healthy. The only thing is that you’re probably being exposed to carcinogens that you aren’t aware of. For example, the Surgeon General has warned that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Plus, nearly one in 15 homes have levels of radon higher than the EPA’s action level, meaning the levels in their house are too dangerous for habitation. Get your home tested for radon and encourage your boss to test your work environment too. It just might save your life.
Drink green tea
Green tea has some amazing health benefits. First, it has much less caffeine compared to coffee; too much caffeine can damage your body. There’s only about 20 to 45 milligrams of caffeine in an eight-ounce cup. Green tea can also help lower your risk for certain types of cancers. For example, the powerful antioxidants in tea can reduce your risk of breast cancer by 20% to 30%, prostate cancer by 48%, and colorectal cancer by 42%.
Stop sitting so much
Many people are saying that sitting is the new smoking, and that could be because sitting for long periods of time has serious negative effects on your health. As stated previously, many recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day in order to remain healthy. In a study published in The Lancet, just 15 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day helped subjects live three extra years. So, try to get up and move around at work, and exercise for 15 minutes when you get home.
Spend time outside
Finally, spending time in Mother Nature can seriously do your body good. When you go outside, your skin is exposed to sunlight, which triggers your skin to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and can help reduce risks of heart disease, depression, and diabetes. It’s estimated that 50% of adults have low levels of vitamin D because they don’t go outside enough. Getting outside for simply 15 minutes a day can help maintain your levels of vitamin D in most cases.
Living a long life is a desire that many people share. If you’re one of them, try out these tips today. You can also talk to your doctor to see if there’s anything else you can do to put some more years onto your life.