Covid-19 brought the world to a standstill. Companies were closing down left, right, and center. To counter this, many institutions started working and teaching from home. It was a slow adjustment, but everyone eventually caught on. Today, many public schools are seeing a significant drop in enrollment.
The YouTube video “Public schools face massive enrollment drop” discusses this new trend. However, some wonder what this has to do with Covid and how it will affect enrollment in the future.
The End of an Era
NCAP enrollment is dropping. Is this a good or bad sign? Does it mean fewer kids are going to school? No. It means that Covid has had a lasting effect on how we do business and how kids choose to study. At first, many kids and parents were apprehensive about homeschooling. No one thought it would work. However, it did work, and it worked very well. Parents were saving money. Children were happier, less stressed, and in many cases, improved in their academic life. This has resulted in more and more children opting to study from home instead. Parents aren’t objecting, either. They see the benefits of homeschooling firsthand. There may be lower enrollment rates in the future.