Have you heard of a labyrinth ring seal, and are you wondering what it is? Are you asking yourself: what is it used for? Who uses it? Do I use any machinery or equipment that has this seal in there? Well, today all of your questions will be answered. In this video, an expert will go over what a labyrinth seal is and what it’s used for.
In this video, an expert shows a demonstration of how a labyrinth seal works and how you can install a lab seal if you ever have to do it yourself. He goes over this process in detail, going through it all from start to finish.
You will need a few extra parts and products in order to ensure your installation works. You will need some oil to allow the labyrinth seal to tighten on the parts smoothly and effectively and ensure it stays in place. It’s important to keep this experts tips in mind when you are using a labyrinth seal in the future.
Watch this entire video to learn all about what a labyrinth seal is and what it’s used for.