Since years, the builders of city have been demanding for transit adjustment development for coping with the growing population density. Today, after many years, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy has announced a new TOD (Transit Oriented Development) concept.
Actually, TOD is meant to design the land for prioritizing different modes of transportation. In simple words, this development is made to push the communities towards better walking and cycling transits.
Here are the 8 Principles of the TOD standard for designing better cities and better streets:
1. (MIX)Plan for mixed use
2. (DENSIFY) Optimize density and transit capacity
3. (CONNECT) Create dense networks of streets and paths
4. (COMPACT) Create regions with short commutes
5. (SHIFT) Increase mobility by regulating parking and road use
6. (WALK) Develop neighborhoods that promote walking
7. (TRANSIT) Locate development near high-quality public transport
8. (CYCLE) Prioritize non-motorized transport networks
Inevitably, there are plenty of benefits associated with TOD. In cycling and walking transits, it is very easy to move around. You do not need to use petrol or heavy vehicles for roaming here and there. There is no comparison with walking mode of traveling. It is not only healthy for you but also necessary to save your hundreds of dollars. It is the reason that most of the people prefer walking or cycling for short distances.
On the other hand, cycling is totally environmental friendly mode of transportation. It is not only cheap but also beneficial for our health. Someone asked from a Chinese person, why most of the Chinese are bodily smart? He said, due to our cycling habit.
It goes without saying that if the above mentioned 8 principals of TOD are implemented, there would be no need to have a car. Walking and cycling are the best modes of transportation in today’s world. Korea, China and Japan are worth citing examples in this regard. For knowing more about the features of TOD development, Click here.