It’s essential to comprehend the differences between direct and indirect burning heaters when deciding which heating system is best for your task. Find out more about each unit here. Like a gas grill or stovetop, a direct contact heater uses heat to transfer temperature. A natural air flow via the flame is used in heating systems using methane or fossil fuels to warm the atmosphere.
Direct contact heaters are typically employed on construction sites, outdoor applications, or warehouses. Direct contact heaters shouldn’t be used in high foot traffic areas because they have an open flame comparable to a stovetop or grill. Instead, these heaters should be used in places with good ventilation. The best heaters are directly fired since they are affordable, effective, and portable.
A home’s gas or oil furnace with a chimney is like an indirect fired heater. A “heat exchanger” is heated by a flame enclosed in a burn chamber in methane or fossil fuel heaters. The heat exchanger is surrounded and covered by cooler air, which heats the air.
When space is firmly enclosed and has no functioning heating system, indirect fired heaters are the ideal solution. A safe solution for populated regions, indirect-fired heaters use a closed heating system that reduces CO2 emissions.