The standard retirement age in America has traditionally been 65 years of age. According to a University of Michigan Health and retirement study, that number only continues to increase as financial and personal stability are becoming more and more concerning to Americans at more advanced ages. As reported by WWLP, the study found that more…
New Study Finds That Retirees Who Stay Socially Active in Groups and Clubs Live Longer, Happier Lives
Staying healthy becomes more difficult as one gets older, but a new study has found that remaining socially active may lengthen the lifespan of retirees, perhaps even more so than exercise. According to WebMD, Australian researchers recently published the report in the journal BMJ Open. The study concluded that retirees who stay active in book…
Clinton Takes on Controversial Student Loan Contractor as Sanders Continues to Attract Young Voters
Bernie Sanders has made an improbable run in the presidential race, essentially pulling neck-and-neck with presumed favorite Hillary Clinton. Now, Clinton is pulling out some of Sanders’s old tricks to gain support among millennials. According to the Huffington Post, Clinton lambasted a major student loan contractor on Saturday, claiming that they are “misleading” borrowers and…
Hot Tubs Becoming More of a Health & Wellness Purchase Than Luxury
It wasn’t all that long ago when hot tubs and in-home spas were a rare find in residential homes. Save for the elite who wanted to bathe in luxury from time to time, many homeowners couldn’t afford or justify such a seemingly extravagant purchase. As the New Jersey Daily Record recently pointed out in a…
Arizona City Introduces Recycling App to Answer Waste Disposal Questions
In addition to standard local trash removal options, many communities are beginning to offer customized recycling program options. As the need for comprehensive recycling becomes more and more apparent and as more people begin looking for ways to be more sustainable with their day-to-day lives, it is more important than ever that recycling remains a…
Utah Bill That Will Provide Dental Care to Disabled Medicaid Patients Passed by State Senate
Higher education is typically associated with spending a lot of money, but a new bill that was passed by Utah’s state senators involving the University of Utah will actually save people money. According to The Salt Lake Tribune, the University of Utah’s new dentistry school is in need of patients to give students some hands-on…
Utah Senator Takes a Stand Against Pornography
A Utah senator is taking a pronounced stand against pornography and is aiming to have the adult entertainment medium dubbed a ‘public health crisis.’ According to Senator Todd Weiler, pornography creates a “sexually toxic environment” in America and likens its addictive qualities to that of cocaine. Last Friday, Sen. Weiler introduced his legislation to the…
Tinder Adds STD Testing Resources
With one in 10 Americans reporting having used an online dating site or app, it’s safe to say that dating has gone digital. And while it may be easy for a potential suitor to bare their soul on their dating profile or through a personal message, it might not always be easy to learn some…
California Man Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison after Swindling Millions from Elderly Investors
A scammer is heading to prison after years of fraudulent behavior in which he stole hundreds of millions of dollars from elderly widows and other investors. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, John Keith Hoover, 64, of Irvine, CA, was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Susan R. Bolton….
New Research Finds That Step Training May Help the Elderly to Prevent Falls
Despite the litany of exercise alternatives for the elderly that have been introduced, researchers have discovered that traditional step training may be the key to reducing the risk of falls. According to Fox News, the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, recently funded the study in an effort to help those in their…