Famous fashion designer Kate Spade was found dead this June following an apparent suicide.
According to News.com.au, her husband Andy said the designer suffered from anxiety and depression for many years. He released a statement saying his wife had been trying to find the right resources to help her deal with her severe depression. He also said that there were no signs that she would even consider taking her own life.
Kate’s sister said that the star designer had long struggled. Following her sister’s death, she said that the designer refused to attend rehab in the past. Her sister says Kate was afraid going to rehab would damage her brand’s image.
There has been speculation that her death was prompted by her impending divorce. Divorce is pretty common in marriages, as researchers say only 50% of them have a chance of lasting. While this rumor has been floating around, Andy Spade has denied they were planning to end their marriage. He did say that they had been living separately for the last 10 months, even though they weren’t legally separated or planning to divorce.
“We were not legally separated, and never even discussed divorce. We were best friends trying to work through our problems in the best way we knew how. We were together for 35 years. We loved each other very much and simply needed a break,” Andy said.
Page Six says her body was found near a note left for the Spade’s 13-year-old daughter. Sources say the note said: “This has nothing to do with you. Don’t feel guilty. Ask your dad.”
While the note suggests Andy knows why this all happened, we do not have a clear picture of her state of mind. The New York Police Department say her death is not suspicious.
Kate and Andy met as students in Phoenix, Arizona while they were both working at the same clothing store. They started the brand Kate Spade in 1993.