Whether you plan numerous events for different purposes, or you need to plan one and this is the first time you’re doing it, you need an action plan. This action plan should enable you to get things done efficiently and leave for maximum enjoyment of your time along with your guests. Have a look below to see an event action plan that you can use to improve your chances of having a successful and memorable event.
Think About Your Guest List

This may be the most important part of your event action plan and so it’s a good idea to start with it. Make sure that you know how many people you intend to invite to your event so that everyone can be adequately provided for. Once you have this information, you can more accurately plan the other details, including food and cleanup. If you can send the invites out early enough to get an RSVP from your guests, you’ll have a more accurate picture, and this is a clear advantage.
You also need to know your guest’s preferences. When you know what your guests expect, you’ll have an easier time preparing a party that will be likely to blow them away. You can use your guest list to come up with a theme that will work perfectly as well, depending on the details of the number of guests as well as what a majority or all of the guests will be happy with.
Rent What You Don’t Have Enough Of
Once you have a guest list, you’ll be better placed to know what you need, and how much of it. This includes seats, tables, and even amenities like portable washrooms. Shop locally to find vendors in your area that offer rentals for the items and services you may need. Depending on your kitchen design and other design details of your home, you may need to make some alterations when looking for the rental items that you need.
Considering the outline of your home will help you know exactly what you need. Once you know, you can go ahead to fill the gaps that remain when you put together what you have. For the best outcome, if you don’t have adequate seating or anything else, it’s a good idea to rent the exact number you need or add a few just in case. This will be better for you than using your own items and renting the rest as you won’t have any uniformity when you do this.
Prioritize Safety
You need your event to be safe and secure for you and your guests, and this is why safety is a crucial part of your event action plan. Depending on the way your home and neighborhood are, as well as the size of your event, you may need to do fire hydrant testing to make sure that the hydrants nearby work well. You also need to make sure that you have fire extinguishers throughout the home and in easy access. Don’t forget to have an emergency kit in easy reach as well, so that in case it’s needed, it can be retrieved fast.
Make sure that it’s easy for your guests to find the exits by ensuring you have adequate lighting. You could also print out a few signs to make sure that no one gets confused at any point. Don’t be tempted to hold an event in your home that will be much bigger than the space you have allows. This is going to ensure that things are manageable and there’s a low chance of them getting out of hand.
Consider the Power and Water You’ll Need

For your event to go through successfully, you need to have adequate water and power. This is going to help you have an amazing event that runs perfectly, with everything that needs to be done staying within manageable limits. For water, you may benefit from hiring a plumber to fix any troublesome drains or water fixtures. When you do this, you’ll likely have an easier time preparing your home for the event and cleaning up after. Your home will also be more comfortable for your guests while they’re there.
You also need to call an electrician to have a look at any electrical system that’s not in the best shape. Even if it’s just to do a thorough inspection, it may be worth paying for their services. This is because they can help you set up any electrical systems you need for the event safely. They’ll also fix anything that they find to be out of place and thus ensure that you and your guests aren’t at any risk of electrocution and more.
Declutter Your Home
Your home will be the center of attention during the event, so it’s a good idea to make sure that it’s in the right state. A good place to start is decluttering the home. This is going to make it easier to clean and decorate the home and present a great space for your guests. You may need storage if you have many items and only have a short time to prepare before the event. Keep the excess items in storage and you’ll have room to do what you need to do more efficiently.
If you have time, you could get rid of the items permanently by selling them or donating them. This could save you the money you’d have had to pay for storage while ensuring that you have adequate room to hold a successful event. If you do end up paying for storage in a bid to declutter the home, make sure to find a more permanent solution that’s going to ensure that you can get a clean home without extra expenses.
Plan a Reasonable Menu
Another important part of your home’s event action plan is the menu. This is because no event is complete without food, even if it’s just snacks. That said, find out if any of your guests have special dietary needs. Doing this will ensure that you serve your guests adequately and don’t leave anyone out. Look for recipes that will be easy for every one of your guests to handle and that will be filling enough. For this, you’ll need to consider the time at which your event is to be held. This is going to help you come up with the perfect menu for the time of day your event is set for.
Once you have an idea of the menu that you intend to serve your guests, you can come up with the most effective way to get the meals. You have the option of either hiring people to help you or enlisting the help of a few handy friends who are inclined towards helping you prepare food. You could also buy the food or snacks you need from a nearby restaurant. Your plans and preferences will guide you on whether to call a nearby sushi bar or an Asian restaurant in your area. When you have a good recipe outline, you can be sure that half the party’s needs are met.
Keep Clean-Up in Mind

You need to remember that you’ll have to deal with cleanup both before and after your event. That said, find out whether you need to hire house cleaning or enlist the help of a good trash pick up service. It’s important to do this before the event comes up so that you can have a service on standby rather than having to start looking for one. Check online or ask friends and family in your area if there are any who have ever had an event. This is going to help you get your home clean again after the event without a lot of hassle on your side.
Make sure to let the people you hire know exactly what you need them to do. In this way, you may even end up with a home that’s cleaner and more presentable than it was before the event. If your event isn’t too big and doesn’t have a lot of guests, you may be able to handle the cleanup yourself. You could even get some of your guests to help with the cleanup, depending on the relationship that you have with them. The end goal is to have a clean house, so whichever route you use to get to this point, it’s good to plan how you’ll get it done well in advance.
Do Some Landscaping as Well
Your landscape is also an important part of the rest of your house and so you need to make sure that it’s in a good state. This is important to do whether you’re going to hold the event indoors or outdoors. A local landscaping company will help you get the best outcome. This is because you simply need to let them know what you need and they can realize it easily for you. Let them know if you have plans of pitching a tent as well as how much free space you’ll need to be left.
You could even find out about backyard fire pits and give your landscape a permanent upgrade that you’ll keep enjoying long after the event is done. Whatever you get done in your landscape, do some research beforehand so that you can be sure that you’re getting a great job done in the end. If you have a small yard or it’s in a good enough state, you may not have to hire a landscaper. In this case, you may do the necessary improvements and tidy up yourself. You’ll save time and money and have a presentable space during your event. This is an important event action plan that you should prioritize when making your plans.
Keep Neighborhood Laws in Mind
Different neighborhoods will have different laws governing those who live in them. It’s important for you to find out the laws that govern your own so that you don’t end up breaking them. These include noise limits and other ordinances, including parking regulations and more. When you know the rules that you need to follow do your best to make sure that you don’t break them at your event.
If you need to, you could let your neighbors know about your planned event. Even if you’re not required by law to do this, it’s common courtesy for you to do it and it can help you maintain good neighborliness. This can help you avoid leaving a bad taste in the mouth of those you’re going to live alongside for more years to come. You don’t want to have law enforcement come in to tell you that you need to wind up just as you’re getting to the climax of your event. This is why you need to find out if there are any regulations you need to adhere to well in advance.
Set Clear House Rules

Last but not least, make sure to come up with house rules for your guests. Make sure that these rules are clear and comprehensive enough. This can help you to secure your property and also help you to keep your home in good shape. If necessary, write these rules down and let your guests know about them. You could even send them a soft copy of the rules so that they know what’s expected of them from the moment they get to your home. This way, there will be a very low chance of someone doing something they shouldn’t do as everyone will be well-informed.
Use this event action plan to make sure that you get your home ready for an amazing event. You can alter this guide as you please so that you get the best outcome depending on your specific needs. Whatever you do, you can be sure that you have a better chance of having an amazing event if you plan well for it.