A Chinese bride’s wedding, while one for the record books, did not turn out the way she hoped. It ended in tears, shock, and her fiance being arrested for fraud.
Why did the dream wedding suddenly go so terribly wrong? The enterprising groom paid over 200 actors to pose as his friends and family and attend his wedding.
In fact, he may have gone a little overboard, as the average number of wedding guests in the United States is only 165. But clearly the groom wanted to make a good impression on his in-laws, a plan that backfired in spectacular fashion.
According to the police, Wang’s in-laws did not approve of the marriage because Wang came from a poorer family, the BBC reports.
Wang’s actors, who were all paid the equivalent of $12 U.S. dollars for their time, seemed to be doing well on their side of the bargain, but the bride’s family became suspicious because Wang kept evading questions about his parent’s whereabouts. As the ceremony was about to start, the groom reassured the bride his parents were on their way, but the bride’s sister started to interview the guests to see if they knew anything.
It was then she discovered they were taxi drivers and students posing as friends and family. One of the guests revealed the conversation he had with Wang on the Chinese social media site, WeChat. The charade soon unraveled.
Right before she was supposed to walk down the aisle, the bride called the cops and had Wang arrested. As of right now, police from the Shaanxi province, where the wedding was held, are not releasing any details of Wang’s charges or if he faces any jail time.
Even though the bride and groom had been together for three years, they reportedly didn’t share any mutual friends.
As for Wang, he confessed to the police that he had to fake friends and family as his real relatives didn’t approve of his fiance.
For this once happy couple, wedding bells turned into wedding sirens, and their nuptials will always be remembered for all the wrong reasons.