Of all the homebuyers who were on the market in 2016, only 14% decided to purchase a brand new home. That means that 86% of all buyers chose to purchase and move into a previously lived-in home. For the most part, moving into these existing homes is a good idea because of the financial benefits….
Category: Home Page
Hybrid-Electric Airplane Hitting the Sky In 2022
The United States currently accounts for 49.7% of the global private jet market, while Europe is in second with 20.8% market share. Private jets have been serving businesses in and out of the U.S. for years, but it looks like the entire airline industry is going to be revolutionized in the near future. According to…
Easy Sustainable Landscaping Techniques
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to commercial landscaping.First, you will need to choose the right commercial landscaping material. Various options are available, so it is important to select the material that best fits your needs. For instance, quality backyard materials may be needed if you are into custom…
Record 2016 Roadway Deaths Spark Concern For Upcoming Winter Driving
Motor vehicle crashes were one of the leading causes of death in the United States last year, and the same will be true this year as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which collected data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, there were 37,461 roadway fatalities in 2016,…
Implementation of New App Helps Reduce Employee Turnover
Businessman Gary Abram, who has showed an interest in the fields of motivation and positive thinking, has come up with a smartphone app named Tak. The app is built based on the belief that employee recognition and rewards can increase morale and performance. The idea surfaced after Abram sat in a board meeting for St….
Sensors Used to Determine Slow Functional Decline in Assisted Living Residents
Researchers from the University of Missouri introduced the use of motion sensors in 86 assisted living resident’s rooms. Approximately 85 other residents were treated with the usual care without the use of motion sensors. The motion sensors measured overall activity, breathing, restlessness and pulse, all with the help of an under-the-mattress motion tool. The sensors…
12-Year-Old Locker Board Creator to Be Featured On ‘Shark Tank’
The “casual skater” is someone who hops on a board and skates between one and 25 times a year. A “core skater” on the other hand, is someone who skates wherever and whenever they can. Skateboarding has always been popular in small circles of the United States, especially among students, but it’s been difficult for…
Coal Industry vs. Environmentalists: The Battle Continues
The coal industry has always been a large producer of jobs in the United States. According to the 2015 U.S. Annual Coal Report published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, surface coal mining operations provide between 26,000 and 37,000 jobs in the United States. Although coal jobs have certainly helped the U.S. economy over the…
Erectile Dysfunction Could Be an Early Sign of Parkinson’s Disease
Erectile dysfunction is a serious medical condition that affects millions of men across the United States. According to a Cleveland Clinic study, roughly 40% of all men over the age of 40 years old are actually affected by erectile dysfunction. “Stress is a major cause of ED, especially in young adults,” said Dr. Anshuman Agarwal….
Researchers Find New Way to Combat Peri-Implantitis
Though educational and technological advancements have lead to significant improvements within the dental industry, there is still more work that needs to be done. Currently, there are 3 million people in the U.S. with dental implants and that number is growing by 500,000 a year. Implant failures have resulted in even more dental issues for…