A new device, known simply as the EyeGo, has been developed by scientists at Stanford University to improve eye care across the world. Using an iPhone app, an onboard camera, and a sort of telescopic lens, EyeGo takes high-definition photographs of the front and back of the eye. This huge improvement to eye care, particularly mobile eye care, is said to greatly improve early detection of blindness and many other diseases that affect the eyes. The aim is to make the EyeGo available to ophthalmologists in the coming years, after it completes testing in China, India, and Mexico.
The iPhone System is Only One New Detection and Prevention Technology
So far, 2014 has been a great year for technological advancements aiming to improve human eye care. While the EyeGo is doubtlessly getting the most attention, scientists elsewhere in the United States and in Singapore have come up with a few genius inventions that could change the way doctors approach ophthalmology.
A joint project between the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore has produced a new nano-medicine that will aid in the treatment of glaucoma. By injecting patients’ eyes with a dose of medicine that contains millions of nano-pods that slowly release glaucoma medication, scientists are confident that they can beat the condition.
Back on the other side of the world, American chemist Bryan Shaw of Baylor University has developed new software that will allow parents to detect leukocoria in their children at a young age. “White eye,” as its known in the layman, can be a precursor to retinoblastoma, a rare form of cancer that can cost children their eyes. While Shaw was too late to save his son’s eyes, this photo analysis software that detects white eye can help other children avoid a similar fate.
What do you think about all of this new technology that is coming out to improve the detection and treatment of diseases that ruin our eyes? Share some of your thoughts with us in a comment below.