There are plenty of risks that come with driving, but one of the most serious risks is night travel. Not only are headlights blinding in the rearview, but flourescent street lights aren’t always enough to prevent a collision. While LED street lighting might seem like an incredible idea, new data suggests that it could have…
The Amount of Millennials Living With Their Parents Grows to a 75 Year High
Even though 47% of Americans haven’t been able to update their home decor within the last five years, it looks as if some homeowners have to wait even longer to spruce up their home because their kids are moving back in droves. In fact, the percentage of young Millennials that are moving in with their…
Odd Trend: Men Get Stuck in Ductwork All Across the Country
Over the past couple of months, a number of adventurous souls across the country have learned the hard way that the stunts you see in spy movies don’t always work out in real life. More specifically: very few fully grown men can squeeze through a building’s ductwork and make it out unassisted — let alone…
Inauguration Weekend is Affecting Construction Timelines for Multiple DC Projects
Close to one million people will be flooding the streets of Washington, DC for the multiple women’s marches and Donald Trump’s inauguration this weekend. All of the traffic will certainly put the city’s streets to the tests, but the activities are also having an effect on multiple construction projects currently underway in the area. in…
Sen. Hassan Grills Betsy DeVos Over IDEA During Her Confirmation Hearing
Betsy DeVos inarguably challenges the status quo when it comes to education reform. While many politicians and American citizens alike were enraged when President-Elect Donald Trump announced the multi-billionaire as his pick for Secretary of Education, it was her confirmation hearing that set so many over the edge. DeVos, a Republican, and an advocate of…
Thousands of Veterans Looking For Help Are Becoming Addicted to Opioids, and The VA is to Blame
More than a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq has caused thousands of veterans nationwide to come home only to become addicted to opioids. What’s worse is that this addiction has been fueled in part by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Recently, the VA has publicly acknowledged its role in creating this…
Messages Promoting Love (and Denouncing Hate) Are Flying Across the Sky
Airplanes began training banner advertisements in the early 1920s. Typically, these ads would promote a company’s grand opening, advertise a new product or service, or simply just spread brand awareness. Now, nearly one hundred years later, aerial messages are capturing the nation’s attention once again. “AMERICA IS GREAT! TRUMP IS DISGUSTING,” read one of six…
Pig the Dog Dances as Sugar Plum Fairy with Birmingham Ballet
The Birmingham Ballet’s annual holiday production of “The Nutcracker” is really going to the dogs. This year, their “Mutt-cracker” performance, featuring 29 canine dancers, included a standout performance from a dog named Pig, a three-year-old border collie mix who suffers from short-spine syndrome. Although some 46.3 million American households own dogs, few are quite like…
Data Breach Exposes Sensitive U.S. Army Doctor Information
Sensitive information from the U.S. military’s Special Operations Command (SOCOM) medical employees was exposed in a recent data breach. Over 11 GB of data was released and included information such as Social Security numbers and addresses from SOCOM staff members. Potomac Healthcare is the company responsible for employing the medical workers whose information was stolen….
Malicious Software, Hackers Present New Threats For Google Account Holders and Cell Phone Users
People across the world rely on email accounts to keep in constant contact with others. And while we’d like to think that access to these accounts is secure due to the safeguards we’ve put in place, nothing could be further from the truth. A study conducted in 2013 found that an average of 82,000 new…