Think that brushing twice a day and flossing regularly are the only things you can do to help keep your teeth healthy? Well, think again. Chances are, you’re not doing enough to keep your teeth in ample shape. It turns out, there are a few other things you need to be doing.
Dr. Steven Lin, a dentist from Sydney, Australia, says that brushing won’t help you achieve impeccable mouth health. Dr. Lin believes that the key to ideal oral health isn’t actually in the brushing or flossing, but instead in what we eat.
The Australian Dental Association says that we should be brushing our teeth for at least two minutes each morning and night. In addition to that ever-important habit, we need to keep in mind the importance of a healthy diet.
Dr. Lin suggests we return to a diet that is full is fats, vitamin A, vitamin D, and K2. He spoke with News.Com.Au.
“Harmful foods that we eat are what fuels disease in the mouth,” Lin said. “Over time, we have stripped out foods that promote healthy teeth — like butter, meats, yolks and full fat dairy. If you don’t include these types of fats in your diet, you lose the ability to absorb those vitamins.”
32% of people say they are worried by what their teeth look like. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare says in 2013, 16% of adults with natural teeth say they’ve experienced a toothache in the past six months. These are issues that cause people to question what is going on with their teeth.
Dr. Lin says since the early 2000’s, there has been a shift toward a more functional oral hygiene routine. This shift includes the elimination of the use of mouthwash.
“I would never recommend mouthwash, it’s like throwing a grenade into the mouth,” Lin said. “Bad breath is a problem with microbiome in the mouth and mouthwash takes no consideration to microbiomes.
Taking these extra steps and cutting out unneeded foods and treatments will set you on a path toward exceptional oral health.