Erectile dysfunction is a serious medical condition that affects millions of men across the United States. According to a Cleveland Clinic study, roughly 40% of all men over the age of 40 years old are actually affected by erectile dysfunction.
“Stress is a major cause of ED, especially in young adults,” said Dr. Anshuman Agarwal. “In many cases, they aren’t able to perform due to unrealistic expectations. Even lifestyle issues like smoking, excessive drinking and drug abuse can cause ED.”
Unfortunately, ED isn’t always just erectile dysfunction.
According to Men’s Health, men with ED could also be experiencing early signs of Parkinson’s disease.
A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Neurology revealed that ED can also serve as a harbinger for Parkinson’s disease, which is a progressive brain condition that causes motor issues, tremors, impaired coordination, and impaired balance.
The seven-year study looked at over 3,000 men who had just been diagnosed with ED and over 12,000 healthy men for a control group. They discovered that the men with ED were 52% more likely to develop Parkinson’s over the seven years than those without erectile issues.
Vice reports that meditation could actually combat ED and, subsequently, Parkinson’s.
“Psychosexual ED is a major issue, especially with young men,” said Barry McGuire, of the Irish Society of Urology in Dublin. “And when other causes are ruled out, it is the way to treat them. Of course, there are organic reasons for ED such as arterial disease, trauma, surgery, congenital issues, sickle cell disease, complications of black market ED drugs, etc.”
It’s important to realize, however, that men can and should still live a healthy lifestyle no matter what. Being lazy can lead to stress and even more medical issues.
“Sedentary lifestyle can be very harmful in such cases,” added Dr. Agarwal. “So I advise men to stay fit, stay active and have a healthy lifestyle. It will help avoid many issues.”
It’s recommended to speak with a medical professional in the event of any serious medical issues or problems with ED.