Buried treasure of all kinds can be found on beaches all around the world, and for Amy and Brian Trimble, that treasure is in the form of beach glass.
“It’s just relaxing,” Brian Trimble told The Times Herald. “It gets us out of the house.”
Household items such as jars and glasses are dumped into the sea and water, and after a few years of tumbling around, you get something magical. Beach glass is frosted, smoothed, and polished from being tossed around in the sand and among stones.
Beach glass is also known as sea glass, but that’s only if it’s found on a saltwater beach. As a matter of fact, sea glass can actually be found all over the world. It has existed since before 2000 B.C. in Mesopotamia, which is before humans even started making glass. However, most sea glass today comes from the 19th and 20th centuries. Unfortunately, over the last 10 years seaglass hunting has become particularly popular, and many of the best sites to find sea glass are already picked clean.
“This has been a gold mine,” Amy Trimble said. “The other day we found close to 100 pieces, and the next day we found another 50.”
The couple waits for the perfect time to go out and search for their newest pieces of sea glass. They wait for the north and east winds to push waves onto their local beaches near Port Huron, Michigan, where the waves will bring the glass to land.
To dig for their precious findings, they use a trowel, which allows for them to dig into the rows and rows of stones and pebbles along the beach. Since beach glass is made from broken down household items, it tends to be brown and clear. They’re constantly on the hunt for red glass since it’s a color that is so rare.
“We’ve done this for a couple of months, and we’ve only found one red piece,” Brian said.
For the Trimble’s, it’s the discovery and mystery of the glass that is most exciting. The glass they find could have come from something as simple as a beer bottle that was thrown off of one’s boat, or it could have come from a shipwreck that occurred many, many years ago.
“It’s just always changing,” Amy said.
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