In addition to standard local trash removal options, many communities are beginning to offer customized recycling program options. As the need for comprehensive recycling becomes more and more apparent and as more people begin looking for ways to be more sustainable with their day-to-day lives, it is more important than ever that recycling remains a key part of the process.
Contacting local waste management service providers can be a great place to start if you have questions about recycling in general and the part you can play. They can answer basic questions you may have, such as, can magazines go in the recycle bin, can glass and plastics be thrown into the same bin, and can you recycle plastic food containers?
You can also look for more specialized recycling services such as cardboard waste management by searching for cardboard recycling in my area. The same can go for things like newspapers, plastic bags, and other common items. Make the call today and find out how you can make a difference and what recycling options there are for you.
Updated 6/14/2021

Many people do not realize how important their trash pick-up people are. After all, if this service was not readily available, trash would be piling up around everywhere. Not only would this be aesthetically unpleasant, but it would also be a health hazard in many cases. This is why waste removal services are extremely important.
In many cases, it is going to be free to have trash removed from the property on a regular basis. Most people are familiar with the concept of trash day, which is the one day every week when the garbage truck comes and takes the trash from everyone in the neighborhood, according to the county trash pickup schedule. However, in some cases, you might need extra garbage pickup services. For example, if you are having a party and are going to be producing large amounts of garbage, this might be too much to be picked up on the regular trash day. This is why you should do some research on affordable garbage disposal services in your area. In this situation, you might also want to contact the customer service number for waste management.
Updated 3/11/2021
Trash collection isn’t glamorous, but it is an essential part of keeping your home and community clean and safe. Depending on where you live and what the rules on trash collection are there, you might have your choice trash collection option. For large apartments, your landlord might rent residential dumpsters that you and the other tenants will use. This or curbside pickup is a cheap garbage disposal service that the city provides for its residents.
Cheap trash disposal is essential because if it costs too much money, some residents might not be able to afford it. So the best garbage service is one that can fit the needs of everybody in the city. It needs to focus on trash and recycling, as well as helping reduce waste in the first place. While it isn’t always possible for cities to share a lot of information with residents about the trash collection systems and services it has, many cities have been able to start offering more transparency on the topic. This helps residents feel more empowered and able to remove waste in a safe, efficient fashion.
The city of Flagstaff, AZ has come up with a sensible new app called my-waste that answers residents’ questions about recycling. For those of you who aren’t sure what is and isn’t recyclable, this is a great app and one which hopefully catches on in cities across the country. In the meantime, you’ll have to do a quick Google search to help you determine what is recyclable and what isn’t. Most of what isn’t recyclable ends up in the trash. Some people take their trash to a garbage dumpster while others prefer cheap garbage disposal services, such as curbside trash collection. If you’re wondering how to find a convenient curbside trash collection service, do a quick Google search for trash collection near you. In most cases, it is the city that picks up your trash but there are also private companies that will come haul away excess trash, especially after a move or during a home renovation project. If you’re working on something around the house and wondering “who is going to come pick up my trash?”, you can most likely find a number of trash pick up businesses near you. Call around and get a few estimates. Also, read reviews and get recommendations before choosing a company.
It seems as if everything can be done on a smartphone these days, and in Flagstaff, AZ, recycling is no exception.

According to the Arizona Daily Sun, the city of Flagstaff introduced a new recycling app for smartphones last month, called my-waste. The app provides answers to several common questions regarding the recycling process.
One of the most notable features of my-waste is a search function that allows users to learn the recycling rules for specific products.
For example, a Flagstaff resident could search for the term “computer cord” to learn the best method of disposal for electronic cables. If the app alerts the user that an item is not recyclable, it will also display the preferred disposal locations.
The app has also been extremely useful in educating residents on how to dispose of hazardous materials and large, bulky appliances. Flagstaff officials hope to continue the app’s success, making the city more eco-friendly one smartphone tap at a time.

“While recycling is great in a lot of ways, the ultimate goal is to get people to prevent waste in the first place,” said McKenzie Jones, a sustainability specialist with the city.
Of all industries, recovery by recycling is the highest for containers and packaging, accounting for 39.9% of all recycled waste. For some reason, items like toys and electronics are recycled much less frequently, and the city of Flagstaff is hoping to change this misconception with my-waste.
According to ABC Australia, a couple of savvy students Down Under are set to unveil a recycling app that is almost identical to the one created by the city of Flagstaff.

Monash University students Stephen Halpin and Eleanor Meyer recently invented Sustain Me, a free mobile app in which users can get answers to their recycling questions.
“We like to call it the Google of recycling, that’s its first primary purpose,” said Halpin.
Considering the distance between Arizona and Australia, it’s safe to say that this is a classic case of parallel thinking.
Sustain Me’s creators are currently preparing for its national launch, which is set for sometime next month. Flagstaff’s my-waste already has 2,500 users, and the city hopes to share the app with surrounding areas in the near future.

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