A hoverboard, also known as a self-balancing electric scooter or a two-wheeled electronic moving board, has risen in popularity around the world over the past year. However, recent stories show that these boards aren’t as safe as some manufacturers make them out to be.
Take the Fox family from Nashville, Tennessee. They have recently announced their plans to sue retailer giant Amazon for damages incurred when their hoverboard, which was bought on their site, caught fire and ruined their $1 million home.
According to their lawyer, Steve Anderson, of the Nashville law firm Anderson & Reynolds PLC, the Foxes believe Amazon knowingly sold the dangerous product to its customers.
“The Foxes contend that Amazon and its various subsidiaries had information about the danger of this product well in advance of the Jan. 9 fire, and on top of that, they had notice, they should have known the product was being misrepresented on their website, Anderson explains to USA Today.
The lawsuit alleges that the Foxes thought they were purchasing a hoverboard made with Samsung lithium iron battery, but were instead provided with a counterfeit, dangerous product from an unnamed organization. After months of investigation, Anderson and his colleagues are still unable to find the manufacturer of this product. All leads point to a sham online hoverboard retailer, W-Deals, which is registered to an apartment in New York City.
Residents at the apartment have not responded to requests from lawyers in the case.
All in all, the lawsuit named 10 defendants, including Amazon and its retailers on their site. A representative for Amazon declined making a statement, saying their company does not speak on matters of pending cases.
The Foxes are asking for $30 million in damages resulting from the fire, as their entire home and all belongings were destroyed. They are also asking for the jury to consider additional financial penalties, citing emotional distress.