There are many people in the workforce who have truly dangerous jobs. Electricians, fishers, roofers, police officers, pilots, and more all risk their lives when they go to work. There are others, like secretaries, accountants, and dentists who don’t seem to have a dangerous job, but there are certainly hidden dangers.
For example, all across the United States, one in 25 working-age adults (18 to 64-year-olds) face work limitations they attribute to arthritis. While many cases of arthritis do not have a clear cause, some people develop it due to the nature of their jobs. This, in turn, limits what they can do while on the job.
Every year, more than 3.8 million occupational injuries and illness are reported. In addition to that, there are over 1.5 billion people living with chronic pain. While this may sound all doom and gloom, there are many things you can do to prevent injury while you’re at work.
Give your eyes a rest
No matter what your occupation is, you probably look at a screen at some point. Whether you’re punching in orders, ringing out customers, typing up spreadsheets, or writing a ticket, your eyes will look at a screen at some point during the day, which can take a serious toll on your eyes, potentially causing future damage. This is why you should aim to look away from your screen every 20 minutes. Your future eyes will thank you.
Stay sober
While this tip may seem obvious, you would be amazed how many people with dangerous occupations go to work under the influence. Drugs and alcohol can alter your sense of perception, which can lead to serious and life-threatening injuries. Substance abuse is actually a key factor in roughly 3% of workplace deaths.
Be aware of your surroundings
No two workplaces are the same. If you travel at all for work, like the way construction workers go to a new site rather often, then you know that you can’t rely on the familiar to keep you safe. You never know when something can catch you by surprise and cause a fall, a collision, or even a cut.
Keep your posture in mind
Whether you work as a beverage distributor or an ice cream vendor, you are probably going to have to lift heavy things at some point during your workday. When you do so, keep your posture in mind. Always bend your knees, keep your back straight, and keep your shoulders in line with your hips. If you twist your back the wrong way, it can cause a serious injury. This also goes for times you’re simply standing up to walk away from your desk.
Know how to use your mechanical equipment
When you’re using tools, machinery, or some kind of equipment at work, make sure you have been trained to do so. Taking shortcuts and ignoring the proper precautions is one of the leading causes of workplace injury.
There are roughly 5.9 million commercial motor vehicle drivers throughout the United States, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. If you are one of them, have a job like them, or sit in a chair all day at a doctor’s office, consider these tips. No matter what you do, your safety is important.