Credit cards hold a tremendous amount of data about an individual, with the ability to store up to 60 characters on a magnetic strip, including account numbers and names. So if one were to have that card stolen, it could lead to disastrous results. But having it stolen might not be the biggest worry, some…
Essentia Health Invests $14 Million in Grand Rapids Clinic
With the American health care bill still up in the air, Americans continue to wait on seeking medical treatment until their conditions have become emergencies. Emergency room visits in the United States have grown to 110 million visits annually. And, when it comes to dental, approximately 1 in 5 Americans have cavities that are untreated….
Cloud Computing Industry Sees Massive Surge in Mergers and Acquisitions
It’s no secret that digital cloud solutions are becoming an increasingly popular option for all kinds of businesses. In fact, 80% of cloud adopters see improvements within six months of moving to the cloud. Now, cloud-hosting firm Contegix is reaping the benefits of cloud success and has purchased BlackMesh Inc., which is its third deal…
Managed Security Services Market Increasing In Demand, Experts Say
In the technology age, digital security is absolutely essential. Hackers can infiltrate virtually any device and access virtually any information they want to. And according to Lisa Detwiler, President of SSD Technology Partners, the demand for managed security services have skyrocketed in recent years. Part of the boost is to be expected: Current data shows…
Seattle Man Uses Work Injury To Educate High Schoolers About Workplace Safety Importance
According to KOMO News, one Seattle man is using his unfortunate workplace injury as a way to educate children about the importance of workplace safety. Local man Matt Pomerinke lost his arm when he was just 21 at his first job in a paper mill. He cites lack of proper training as the cause of…
Pharmaceutical Companies Accused of Fueling Opioid Epidemic In State Of Ohio
According to the California Society of Addiction Medicine, methadone treatment has a 60-90% success rate in treating opiate addiction, whereas non-medical, abstinence-based treatments have a success rate of only 5-10%. Unfortunately, thousands of Ohio families are in desperate need of any treatment for heroin and opioid addiction. And on Wednesday, May 31st, The State of…
Nutrition At The Heart Of Armed Service’s New Training Methods
Since the early 1940s, Americans have been taking multivitamins and mineral supplements for various reasons. Today, virtually every drug store in the country sells vitamins for expectant mothers, children, exercise lovers, seniors, and more. But now vitamins have been embraced by an unlikely organization — the nation’s armed forces. The U.S. military plans to boost…
Nestle To Pull Out Of American Candy Markets?
Rumor has it that candy producing giant Nestle might be selling its $900 million-a-year U.S. business, which includes household candy names like Butterfinger and BabyRuth. This is, apparently, to improve the health of their overall portfolio. Analysts have been speculating about the decision since the company named healthcare veteran Mark Schneider as CEO. Over the…
Flexible Financing For Veterans Interested In Vegas Luxury At The Ogden
Over 22 million veterans have achieved homownership through the VA Home Loan program, a special program run by the Department of Veteran Affairs for the United States armed forces. And quite a few of them seem to have taken up residence in Las Vegas. More specifically, they’ve taken up residence in The Ogden, an iconic…
Amazon’s New Patent Allows Retailers to Block Online Searches for Cheaper Products
Amazon has created a patent that isn’t going over well with their thousands of customers. Recently, the massive e-retailer has been granted a patent that will stop a shopper from comparing prices of an item in-store to one online. Typically, when shopping online, 44% of consumers start their search with a search engine, which is…