Baseball has always been America’s pastime. Over the past 60 years, however, baseball has had to fight off other sports to remain atop the country’s sports entertainment pedestal. That fight continues to this day, as the numbers simply aren’t there for baseball like they used to be. “There is no denying America’s love for baseball,”…
2017 Housing Market Outlook: What To Expect
Homeowners across the country have always worried about the future worth of their properties. Even if the market, statistically, was doing fantastic, Americans would still be extremely cautious making decisions regarding their homes, as they should be. Homeowners are even more cautious when the market is not doing as well. But what’s going on in…
New Data Shows Twin Cities Has Worst Racial Disparity In Housing Market
Approximately 32% of Americans looking to buy a new home are first time home buyers. And like many other first time home buyers, Akisha Everett of Minneapolis has been looking for her dream home for months. Unfortunately, being continuously outbid has kept her from getting the keys. “I am holding my breath,” Everett told StarTribune…
Solar Eclipse Camping: There Are Still Spots In Unlikely Places
Family camping trips are still one of the most popular vacation options for Americans, with the number of days spent camping totally an incredible 534.9 million days as of 2011. However, this summer there is a once-in-a-lifetime reason to head out camping, especially for those that have an interest in the stars and the sky….
Realtor Purchases Mansion For $900,000, Lists For $1.9 Million
There are a lot of benefits to getting adhesive floor coatings for homes or businesses. They protect flooring from chemicals and other threats, something that makes them extremely popular for industrial uses. Which is why the market is expected to continue growing to a sizable $11.01 billion by 2022. These adhesives include items like epoxy…
Nigerian Man Charged In School Teacher Phishing Scam
Identity theft is one of the most common crimes in the United States. In 2016, approximately one out of every 16 Americans were the victims of identity theft. On Thursday, August 3, the Federal Bureau of Investigation brought justice to one of these thieves. Daniel Adekunle Ojo, 33, was charged with identity theft and fraud…
U.S. Senators Afraid the Internet of Things Will Turn on the Government
Today, about 68% of funds lost as a result of a cyber attack are unrecoverable, and in a world of increasing reliance on the internet for day-to-day life, cyber threats are more dangerous than ever. That’s something two U.S. lawmakers are making clear in their most recent proposals. They believe that the internet itself is…
Houston Man Ordered to Pay Thousands in Child Support for Child That Isn’t Even His
There are many situations in which you might be in need of a lawyer. These situations can vary a great deal, and accordingly, there are many different types of lawyers. Even though they learn from similar curricula in law school, it is always good to find a lawyer who specializes in the type of case…
Botox Seller Concerned Over Number Of Teenage Patients
Millennials are starting on prejuvenation by age 26, compared to women aged 55 and older, who didn’t start addressing signs of aging until they were about 47. Botox is a massive market, with an annual revenue of more than $2 billion and growing. However, despite the drug’s reputation as a balm for middle age, Botox has…
OSHA Looking At New Shipyard Worker Protections
There are more than 500,000 welders employed in the U.S. today, and chances are a few of them will be affected by OSHA’s new rules for shipyard workers. OSHA recently released a fact sheet on spray painting in shipyards that could have some impact on welders, as they specify that some items must be withheld…