Winter is coming, so what better time than now to make sure your home is ready for the season by replacing your windows? Yes, you may have windows that you just replaced last year and those may be fine, but there are a few things to look out for right before the holiday season to…
Organization Leaders Abusing Power, Taking Advantage of Logistical Errors
The United State’s economy loses an estimated $7.4 billion per day (or 50 million hours) due to improperly filled out time sheets. Individual employees are usually behind any intentional errors, as a way to earn a few more pennies each paycheck, but major corporations and leaders around the country are also being dishonest when it…
Florida Supreme Court Does Away With Parts Of 2013 Medical Malpractice Law
On Thursday, November 9, the Florida Supreme Court rejected sections of the state’s medical malpractice law. In a 4-3 decision, the state supreme court justices said the medical malpractice law could cause privacy issues in the disclosure of patients’ private health information. According to the Palm Beach Post, the medical malpractice legislation was put into…
How To Measure Home Efficiency Levels In Used Homes
Of all the homebuyers who were on the market in 2016, only 14% decided to purchase a brand new home. That means that 86% of all buyers chose to purchase and move into a previously lived-in home. For the most part, moving into these existing homes is a good idea because of the financial benefits….
Scalp Tattoos: The Answer to a Man’s Balding Problem?
Fact: In the United States, about 35 million men are suffering from some sort of hair loss and/or baldness. The loss of hair can make any man feel less confident and even embarrassed. Many men feel ashamed about their hair loss, and may even wonder if it’s worth having their remaining hair at all. Hair…
Hybrid-Electric Airplane Hitting the Sky In 2022
The United States currently accounts for 49.7% of the global private jet market, while Europe is in second with 20.8% market share. Private jets have been serving businesses in and out of the U.S. for years, but it looks like the entire airline industry is going to be revolutionized in the near future. According to…
New Google Data Supports Theory Of Seasonal Human Hair Loss
As if you didn’t have enough reasons to worry about losing your hair, seasonal hair loss may be normal, new data finds. According to a study recently published in the British Journal of Dermatology, hair loss experienced during the summer and fall months is an ordinary occurrence experienced by many around the globe. Time Magazine…
Easy Sustainable Landscaping Techniques
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to commercial landscaping.First, you will need to choose the right commercial landscaping material. Various options are available, so it is important to select the material that best fits your needs. For instance, quality backyard materials may be needed if you are into custom…
Experts: Brushing and Flossing Regularly Aren’t Enough
Think that brushing twice a day and flossing regularly are the only things you can do to help keep your teeth healthy? Well, think again. Chances are, you’re not doing enough to keep your teeth in ample shape. It turns out, there are a few other things you need to be doing. Dr. Steven Lin,…
Record 2016 Roadway Deaths Spark Concern For Upcoming Winter Driving
Motor vehicle crashes were one of the leading causes of death in the United States last year, and the same will be true this year as well. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which collected data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, there were 37,461 roadway fatalities in 2016,…